Saturday, August 29, 2009

When do you want to meet?

Here is a link to the survey for the best times and days to meet: Best Time to Meet Survey

Please note that the time ranges are flexible, but this is just to get a general idea. Check the boxes when you are at least partially available, and then comment to specify further if you wish.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Quad Day!

Hello to everyone who came and saw us on Quad Day. We were pleasantly surprised at how many people were interested! Tell your friends if you think they might be interested, too. We will also try to do some more publicity outside of the University community around Champaign-Urbana.

Later this week we will be creating a poll to find out meeting times that are best for everyone, which will be posted here and sent out to the e-mail list.

Watch your inbox and this space, and hopefully we'll be seeing you within the next few weeks!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The Champaign-Urbana Anarchist Reading Group is just getting started, and aims to be a place where anarchists and anyone interested in/curious about anarchism can get together and discuss shared readings. All are welcome!

  • We may read and discuss zines, pamphlets, articles, books, or other media. We can read fiction and materials that aren't directly related to anarchism/politics, too. It's up to you to decide!

  • Meeting time, place, and frequency are also very flexible at this point, and hopefully we can meet at a time that is reasonably convenient for everyone.

  • If anyone is interested, we can perhaps have a short-form (pamphlets, etc.) and long-form (long books that would certainly take more than one meeting to discuss) group. Just brainstorming here, it's up to whoever ends up attending semi-regularly.

Please e-mail if you would like to get involved. Hope to see you around!

One more note: Being that (1) there is enough to debate within anarchism already, and (2) this isn't really meant to be a general political debate society, please don't show up to start arguments about how "My other political philosophy/group/etc. is better than yours!" There's a place for these kinds of debates, but something called "Anarchist Reading Group" isn't that place. This is meant to be a place to investigate issues from an anarchist perspective, as well as to challenge and investigate facets of anarchism itself, and learn from each other's comments and concerns. Although you may still disagree at the end of the day, it should still be a stimulating and worthwhile experience for everyone. Sorry to end on a downer, but past experience suggests that this sentiment should be communicated before the situation arises.